harry & katie open doors
this adorable litte creature is harry. he and his mom, katie, live down the street from us in norfolk. harry has become a good friend of “the boys”, and given his yellow color we joke that he’s part of the “brotherhood” that is the rodeghiero/rapciak canine family.
harry and sullivan could pass for brothers and are kindred friends. harry and brown attend the same play group at golden ridge farm in walpole and are carpool pals. throughout this journey with sullivan, katie has remained very interested always asking about his condition and progress. a neuromuscular therapist at 360 neuromuscular therapy, katie has been able to give very helpful nuggets of information.
when harry was small he broke his fibula after an intense play session with a neighbor dog. wanting to go to the best, one of katie’s clients referred her to mspca angell in jamaica plain. hugely impressed with her experience at angell and overall care for harry, katie said “you need to get sully seen at angell”. katie sent a series of emails and opened the door for us at angell. we were given the opportunity to meet with dr. douglas brum and his fellow dr. jacklyn johns on wednesday, august 15th.
the trip to angell was the first step in our quest to understand sullivan’s condition and provide relief. katie and harry made this possible.